AX allows businesses to define price - discount combinations for different combination of Items and Vendors/ Customers. These prices are fetched when Orders are processed against the Items/ Vendors/ Customers for whom the price/ discount has been defined.
There can be different Prices and Discounts defined for different combination of Vendors, Customers and Items. The system uses a predefined sequence of searching to find the prices and apply to the transaction lines.
Below is the sequence followed by AX to determine the prices/ discounts applicable for the Order Lines.
Note: The sequence is same for Customers and Vendors. Below is sequence for Vendors. The same sequence is applicable for Customers.
There can be different Prices and Discounts defined for different combination of Vendors, Customers and Items. The system uses a predefined sequence of searching to find the prices and apply to the transaction lines.
Below is the sequence followed by AX to determine the prices/ discounts applicable for the Order Lines.
Note: The sequence is same for Customers and Vendors. Below is sequence for Vendors. The same sequence is applicable for Customers.
Sequence of finding a Price:
Vendor (table) - Item + Size (table)
Vendor group (group) - Item + Size (table)
All Vendors (all) - Item + Size (table)
Vendor (table) - Item (table)
Vendor group (group) - Item (table)
All Vendors (all) - Item (table)
Sequence of Finding Discount:
Vendor (table) - Item + Size (table)
Vendor (table) - Item (table)
Vendor (table) - Item group (group)
Vendor (table) - All Items (all)
Vendor group (group) - Item + Size (table)
Vendor group (group) - Item (table)
Vendor group (group) - Item group (group)
Vendor group (group) - All Items (all)
All Vendors (all) - Item + Size (table)
All Vendors (all) - Item (table)
All Vendors (all) - Item group (group)
All Vendors (all) - All Items (all)
Note: The labels table, group and all specified in brackets refer to the Account Type field while specifying the Prices and Discounts.
The system picks the first available Price/ discount from the tables based on this sequence. The dates during which the Prices and discounts are applicable is the criteria for filtering multiple lines with the same combination.
There can never be mote than one price/ discount applicable for the same Item - Vendor combination unless the start date and end dates are different. In case there is another defined price/ discount for the Item-Vendor combination defined earlier, the system considers the previous definition to be null from the date when the new definition is applicable.
More on AX in future.
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