Year End Closing is an inevitable process for all businesses. Yet, many of us are not completely aware of the details of the task in AX.
Following are the details of the process in AX 2009:
to Fiscal Year-End Close
- Related General Ledger Parameters for Fiscal Year Close:
- Set the Periods status to ‘STOPPED’:
- Periods form – Module status tab
Make any
adjusting entries by using the general journal
Opening Balances
Prerequisites to Fiscal Year-End Close:
1. Run the Inventory Close process through the end of the fiscal year.
Path: Inventory Management >> Periodic >> Closing and Adjustment
The Inventory Close process will take into account the Inventory Valuation selection you have selected on the Inventory Model Group from the Weighted Average Method that is used during the month.
2. Create a new Fiscal Year
Path: General Ledger >> Setup >> Periods >> Periods
Create the next Fiscal Year that you will be creating transactions for. This step may have been done previously if the Fiscal Year is not closed right at Year End.
3. Set the appropriate Periods to Stopped in the current Fiscal Year. Also Open the Closing Period to allow posting of the Closing Entries.
Path: General Ledger >> Setup >> Periods >> Periods
Change the status of any period that should not have further transactions posted to it to Stopped. In case the period is set to Stopped, it can be reopened. Change the status to Closed only if there is no possibility of any transactions being posted to this period.
Note: A Closed Period may can not be reopened.
4. Backup Data.
Backup the Ax data.
5. Make Adjusting Entries.
Make adjusting entries by passing Journals where necessary
6. Print final Financial Statements.
Path: General Ledger >> Reports >> Periodic >> Financial Statement
Print the Final Financial Statements. This would include the Cash Flow Statement, Statement of Stockholder's Equity, Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement), and Balance Sheet.
7. Print 1099s for any Vendor that requires a 1099 statement.
Path: General Ledger >> Periodic >> Tax 1099 >> Report 1099
For any Vendor that requires a 1099 statement, please be sure to set up the 1099 forms as well as the Vendor. Please note that 1099 reports can be reprinted.
8. Transfer Opening Balances into the new Fiscal Year.
Path: General Ledger >> Periodic >> Fiscal Year Close >> Opening Transactions
Use this job to move the Balance\Asset Account Balances forward into the New Fiscal Year. This job will also move the balances of your Profit & Loss\Cost\Revenue accounts to the Year-end Result account which is set up in the System Accounts (General Ledger >> Setup >> Posting >> System Accounts).
Related General Ledger Parameters for Fiscal Year Close:
Path: General Ledger >> Setup >> Parameters >> Ledger Tab
- Delete close-of-year transactions during transfer:
If this check box is selected, opening transactions and system-generated closing transactions that exist for the year to be closed are deleted when the transfer is processed again (process is repeated), in the Opening Transactions form. So with this selection, we can process the transfer multiple times, if needed, while Opening entry will be only one.
- Create closing transactions during transfer:
If this check box is selected, the system creates closing transactions when running the Opening Transactions job. In that case, the system posts closing transactions to all profit and loss accounts and all balance accounts, although Opening Transactions are posted on balance accounts only.
- Set period status to year closed:
If this check box is selected, the system displays a status of Year closed for all fiscal periods for the year that is being closed (when you run the ‘Opening Transactions’ job).
NOTE: Care should be taken while selecting this check box, as we may have to run Opening Transactions job several times.
- Voucher number must be filled in:
If this check box is selected, a voucher number must be entered when opening transactions are created for a new fiscal year.
Set the Periods status to ‘STOPPED’:
When we create a new fiscal year, we may have to control or stop transactions from updating to the ledger accounts during the closing process. To stop transactions set the period(s) to Stopped status.
Periods form – Module status tab
Close all the modules, except for the General Ledger during the closing process. Often only allow for specific user groups to enter transactions and leave the period open.
To set up module status for every module, go to the Module status tab on the Periods form and select the User group in the Module user group filed area who can update the respective module.
Note: Open the year-end closing period in the fiscal year being closed to enable posting of any necessary closing entries.
Make any adjusting entries by using the general journal:
Print the trial balance in order to look for any variations and make adjustments before closing the period.
Transfer Opening Balances:
Transfer opening balances into the new fiscal year.
- In the opening transactions process, System creates a line for the opening transaction which makes up the opening balance for the New Year.
- The system also creates a transaction for each currency and dimension. It is necessary to maintain this to keep statistics and financial reporting. You can transfer balances as frequently as needed during the year-end close process.
I Path: General Ledger >> Periodic >> Fiscal year close >> Opening transactions
II Enter the End date of the fiscal year
III Profit and loss accounts are always reset by the system. You must specify the transfer method for the balance sheet accounts. In the balance accounts fields, you should specify one of the following two options:
- Reset: Reset the balance accounts and enters the opening balances for the balance sheet accounts manually.
- Closing > Opening: continues with the balance sheet accounts, and has the opening transactions created automatically by the system.
IV Enter the ‘Account for transfer of year-end result’ in the system account.
V Enter the Voucher number for the opening transactions that are created automatically.
Click OK when all the fields are entered. This process may take several minutes, depending on the amount of data.
When the process is complete, check the account balances or print the Trial balance. You can run the year-end job as many times as needed. The opening balances will update correctly.
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